Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Visits with Noel & Rhode

Noel is the office administrator for Kirk and Kay.  As you may be able to see, he has been very ill.  He was finally diagnosed with Potts Disease which is tuberculosis of the bones.  Unfortunately we was gravely ill by the time he was finally diagnosed.  He lost a lot of weight and is very weak.  Kirk and Kay have really missed Noel's expertise in the office.  It's made their job(s) even more difficult because they have had to learn and do all he did before he became ill.
Below, Sean gives Noel a little check up.  He actually if recovering well, but it's going to be a long time before he is back to work.  Pr+y that G=d will continue to heal and strengthen him, allowing him to return to his job.

Rhode (on the left) is Noel's wife.  She is a delightful lady who recently graduated from a 3 year training program that would be similar to our associates degree in nursing from what I understand.  Rhode really wants to become a midwife.  I had the opportunity before we went out to the bush to sit down and talk with her.  She had asked me to teach a class to some of the pregnant women in the 8 ch*rchs in the district.   We came up with a plan that day, I just needed some time to sit down and write up a presentation.  She has a sincere heart for women's health, a winning smile and a good grasp on the g*spel.  I enjoyed every time we had a chance to be together.
This is a picture of all the children we met while we were visiting Rhode and Noel that afternoon. 

This particular day was not as exciting as some of our days in the bush, but a great time of getting to know more of the men and women G*d has called to do his work in Ch*d. 
I continue to be amazed at the awesome work G*d is doing in and through his people in Ch*d.
Some of the stories and t*stimonies we've heard are unbelievable.  No matter what obstacle G*d puts in some of these dear people's way, they continue to see the good that G*d can bring from it.
I like the way the M*ssage B*ble puts R+mans 11:33 "Have you ever come on anything quite like this extravagant generosity of G*d, this deep, deep wisdom?  It's way over our heads.  We'll never figure it out.  Is there anyone around who can explain G*d?....Everything come from him, Everything happens through him, Everything ends up in him. Always gl+ry, Always pr*ise."
Sean led us in dev^tions one day and made this statement.  "We tend to see hopelessness and despair, G*d sees hope and strength.  We need to see  missions with G*d's eye.  He's the one who invented it!"  
  We get so blinded sometimes by our pride and our "wisdom", like we know what we are doing, when what we really need to be doing is checking out G*d's perspective.

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