Saturday, October 2, 2010

Our Prenatal Class

The morning of our prenatal class, the clouds broke open and we had a downpour complete with lightening and thunder.  But that didn't hinder many women from showing up for the class. When we went out to set up for the class there were already 4 women standing on the porch to the classroom, totally drenched after walking quite a distance in the rain to get there.   Even though the rains continued, the women continued to show up.  In the end, we had a total of 38 Ch+dian women along with miss+onaries Beate and Karina and Melina.  Originally, I thought maybe we'd have 8 to 10 women.   
And when it began to rain, I thought l even less would come.  What a humbling surprise! Would I have walked in the rain - some of them for close to an hour - to come to such a class???

G*d was so in that room that morning.
The words I spoke were translated into French by Kay (standing to the right of me in the picture). Rhode then translated the French into the native Gumbai so the women would understand.
I know Rhode embellished some of what I had said, but I also felt confident the G*d was giving her the words that needed to be said.
I loved that she used her B*ble in the Gumbai language to read the scriptures passages I used.

The main point of the discussion was just in how much G*d values us and therefore how much we, as women and mothers are responsible to value ourselves and our children by being healthy and making sure our children are healthy
I used Ps 139:13-16 as a base and then used Exodus 2 about Moses' mother planning ahead to keep him safe.  In the same way, women should seek ways to plan ahead to keep themselves and their unborn babies or newborn babies safe and healthy.  I also spoke about Mary and how she treasured the thoughts of him in her heart and then of course, J+sus' example of calling the children to him, because he valued them.  I was able to take the opportunity with each of the B*blical examples to discuss practical ways they each could implement these example.  There were some serious times and some funny times, but in the end I think G*d did some amazing things in these women's hearts and minds.
After the discussion, I gave women the opportunity to hear their baby's heart beat...something none of them had ever done before.  The delight in their smile when they realized what they were hearing was indescribable. 
Neither Victoria or Rhode (both aspiring midwives) had ever seen a fetal heart doppler.  They were intrigued and both of them asked for one.  I am already praying that G*d will provide me with the funds to take at least another one with me when I return.
This woman has had 10 babies.  This is her 11th pregnancy.  For the first time, she is hearing her baby's heart beating.  My pr*yer in all of this was that as these women understand what the B*ble had to say about how G*d values women and children, and now as they were able to hear the heart of their baby beating inside their womb, they would begin to make changes that will be life changing both physically and sp*ritually

1 comment:

  1. This is my favorite post. Great pictures, beautiful colors, you can see the joy on their faces and do you still have that awesome skirt you're wearing in the photos? I may need to borrow it, if so!
